
Registration Form
Please fill out a form for each player.
List all siblings on each form to ensure the discount.
1 Child - $40.00
2 Children - $70.00
3 Children - $80.00
4 Children - $90.00
5 Children - $100.00
Late Fee - $40.00 per player after registration deadline
Check - made payable to NZLD
Venmo - @LoriSBaker
(Child's Name and Grade Level are required in the comments)
You may give your payment to the coach or an officer. If unable to make the payment by October 18, 2024, please let the coach or an officer know and other arrangements can be made.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Sponsorship Form
Sponsorship Levels
2 Passes to Home Games
2 League Shirts
Company Name/Logo on back of shooter shirts
Company Name/Logo advertised on our Facebook Page
Company Name/Logo on Banner displayed in Gym for Home Games .
2 Passes to Home Games
Company Name/Logo on back of shooter shirts
Company Name/Logo advertised on our Facebook Page
Company Name/Logo on back of shooter shirts

Volunteer Form
Coming Soon